CONNECT Smart Home Smart LED Light Review | The $10 Smart Bulb!
Smart home technology has been on the rise these past few years but so has the price! A smart bulb from one of the big name brands like Philips can set you back almost $100! But now we have a new player, CONNECT Smart home by Laser has announced a new lineup of smart home devices including a 10W LED smart bulb that retails for only $10! The CONNECT Smart Home Smart LED Light.
Big thanks to CONNECT Smart Home for sending this out for review!
What’s in the Box?
Included in the box is the Smart Bulb itself and some documentation to help you set it up – That’s it, no mess, no fuss just plain and functional packaging. You can’t really ask for anything more than that for only 10 bucks! The box does have a handy QR code on it to download the app.
Design and Features
The design is a typical light bulb design. It’s the standard ‘teardrop’ shape and depending on what model you get you will either have the screw base or bayonet base as they make this to fit all different types of light fittings. The bulb does have a nice diffused glass top to make the light case nice and softly. The bulb also isn’t really big and bulk so if you have enclosed light fittings it should fit nicely without interfering with covers and such.
CONNECT Smart Home Smart LED Light Features
I’ll get the standard bullet point list out of the way then move onto some detailed features about the bulb.
- Transform your space with adjustable and dimmable lights to create the perfect setting
- Compatible with Amazon Alexa & Google Assistant
- Squash those energy bills. Highly-efficient and controllable anywhere, you can check the status of the lights and remotely turn them off anywhere you are.
Now, let’s get into those details!
Super Bright and Different Colour Temperatures
When Laser first sent over the press release for these I was like. Oh a cheap smart light, this is going to be terrible. I was very wrong about that! These smart lights work extremely well and are really bright. I was blown away by how bright they actually are, they are actually brighter than the dumb bulbs I was using beforehand.

Another great thing is the colour temperature control with the Connect Smart Home bulbs. For instance you may want the lights to be a nice cool colour for when you are working and want to be productive but when night comes around and you just want to relax you can set the colour temperature to a nice warm light to cosy up with a book or your favourite TV Show.
Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant Integration
This is a big one for me. In my house I have a range of different Alexa devices assigned to different rooms so being able to add these lights to Alexa’s skills was great. It’s really easy to do by going to the Alexa app and adding the Smart life skill. Once connected you can do things like tell Alexa to turn the lights on and off or be like “Alexa set the lights to warm”. What if you want the lights on and dimmed, no worries. “Alexa turn the lights on and set them to 20% brightness” The response is also really quick and there is only about a half a second delay between talking and the action happening.
Set Lighting Schedules

Want your lights to come on when it starts getting dark? No problem for the CONNECT Smart Home lights. You can easily add on and off schedules in the app so that your lights turn on and off at specific times. This would be exceptionally helpful when you are away and you want it to seem like people are still there.
CONNECT Smart Home Smart LED Light Specs

CONNECT Smart Home App for Android and IOS
The CONNECT Smart Home Smart Lights are controlled via the CONNECT Smart Home app that can be downloaded from either the Google Play store or The Apple App Store. Once you have the app installed, setup is really easy. Register an account and follow the steps on the included quick start guide to add your lights. Once you have the lights set up in the app you can do things like change the brightness, colour temperature, set different scenes for different occasions or even add schedules. One cool thing is also the smart functions that allow you to do things like set the lights to turn on when the sun goes down in your area. The app is also really intuitive and easy to use. Everything is right there in front of you and easy to navigate.
How well does the CONNECT Smart Home Smart LED Light Work?
Exceptionally well, especially for the price of only $10! You have so many different options and settings you can adjust to your liking. The bulbs are really easy and simple to set up with the CONNECT Smart Home app and my personal favourite feature, the Alexa integration. Seriously, an Alexa enabled smart light for $10. That’s cheaper than most dumb lights!
As mentioned multiple times throughout the review, the CONNECT Smart Home 10W Smart White Lights only retail for $10! Seriously, only $10!
Well now there just isn’t an excuse to not dip your toes into smart living. With these only costing $10, most people would be able to fit out your whole house with smart lighting for less than $100. That’s quite insane if you think about it, especially with most big name bulbs setting you back that much for one!
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