Connect SmartHome


Hands-on review:

Hands-on review:

LASER’s Connect Smart recently announced its huge range of smart home products for the Australian market, which covers everything from security cameras to lighting, power, and even home and garden gadgets.

Smart Wireless Water Controller

Smart Wireless Water Controller

Featured on the Life and Technology segment, technology commentator Charlie Brown discussed the CONNECT Smart Wi-Fi Water Controller and highlighted its stockist at Harvey Norman. Stating ‘I haven’t seen too many Wi-Fi water controlled units in a consumer electronics store – so let’s talk about what this technology does!”. Chris explained the rising popularity of Smart Home technology from $10 lightbulbs to deadlocks for home safety and how the water controller can add. convenience to your everyday.

The Weekender and Parra News

The Weekender and Parra News

Have you ever wanted to make your home ‘smart’ without spending thousands of dollars? Connect SmartHome offers home automation and works seamlessly with Google Home and Amazon Alexa for added customisation and convenience.

WiFi-enabled fairy lights

WiFi-enabled fairy lights

Forget watching a movie under the stars – WiFi enabled fairy lights is how the cool kids Netflix and chill.

Connect SmartHome quoted figures stating over 2.6 million of Australian households now have at least one smart speaker and over a third of those households having more than one.

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